23 thoughts on “EQ2Talk Episode #63 — Candid Kander

  1. Weird, but at the top of this site is an advertisement for a game called “Wartune”, but they are using a picture of Antonia Bayle…I’ve seen it before and just wondering why and if SOE is a part of it or even aware of it..

  2. Stat consolidation was the biggest statement here … “heading back in that direction” means what? It would require resetting all the lower tier gear back the way it was, and reconfiguring how it affects abilities. At least that would give more variety to choose from when creating a specific build with reforging.

  3. He just said that they’d be adding more choice, specifically mentioning categorizing gear as just caster/melee. That might just mean that tanks can choose between DPS gear (typically scout gear) and defensive gear (typically tank gear). Scouts could also choose to wear tank gear if they wanted to for some reason.

    Or it could just mean that priests/mages will have one set of gear for casting DPS and a different set for melee DPS, but that doesn’t make much sense imo.

    I think he actually explicitly said that they wouldn’t be undo’ing the DoV changes, but I’m not going to listen to the whole podcast again 😛

  4. “Age’s End” is my placement of apostrophe, not knowing anything specific about the lore.

    Stat consolidation was the biggest statement here … “heading back in that direction” means what? It would require resetting all the lower tier gear back the way it was, and reconfiguring how it affects abilities.

    Rather than trying to shoehorn more value back into existing stats, what about a totally new stat or two?

  5. Sorry, but it’s always bugged me and that’s a rather long podcast, anyone have a timestamp where he mentions the reasons the islands were removed, or would just like to tell me here?

  6. Stat consolidation was the biggest statement here … “heading back in that direction” means what? It would require resetting all the lower tier gear back the way it was, and reconfiguring how it affects abilities.

    Rather than trying to shoehorn more value back into existing stats, what about a totally new stat or two?

    sure so they have 2 new stats to mess up on and not put on gear properly

  7. Advanced Solo will continue to be a gameplay choice, although it was a mistake to reward Raid gear in Chains of Eternity Advanced Solo zones. Things weren’t as Rare as they should have been. Advanced Solo should not have been the “new hot playstyle” that everyone needs to do instead of grouping.
    Going forward, Advanced Solo, either with a merc or a second player, will be assigned its own gear just for that play style. The Chains of Eternity fabled from Advanced Solo (and CoE raid trash) will be made redundant in GU66.
    The goal of Advanced Solo zones was that you could play with two players or with mercs. Mercs might be a little powerful but they don’t replace a player. Mercs were never intended to replace players.

    This concerns me as a casual, because I smell nerf here. I liked the idea I could do solo play and still keep up with more active players without having to make a raid schedule commitment. However, it does sound like this is going to change with this update. In addition, are they going to make sure mercs can’t duo with a player? Honestly, I think it’s a mistake to tell casuals they just won’t be able to cut it. It makes me want to play less, not more, given that I can’t commit to a regular play schedule that would allow me to group with others easily. I realize the old argument applies, if you don’t want to group, don’t plan an MMO, or at least don’t expect to have top tier gear. Good for the devs, however, for sticking to a clear vision, that is admirable.

  8. I’m with ya Kwill. Getting my small alt army geared in Samhain/Primal was/is “my” endgame. I felt like my toons were powerful. I was/am proud of it. I can’t commit to raid schedules anymore either. I understand raiders want the best in game gear- and they get it for their hard work. Do my toons “need” raid gear?…nope. I hate that there’s this whole raiders vs. casuals BS. Dear top ten raiders: I’ve acquired ALL my red slot gear through Adv Solo and some SLR- doesn’t mean I want to take your seat among the elite or have a parse contest or duel you for bragging rights. It’s just my playstyle. Bottom line,despite the grinding for gear, I’ve been havin a blast since CoE launched just for the chance at gear that I don’t necessarily need available in the small amount of time i have. /end rant

  9. I understand both your points, but this needs to be balanced with casual raiders who have more problems to equip their main with primal stuff than you may have to equip your 6th alt.
    Buying a 179 piece of armor costs 150PP on Storms and you can easily provide a toon with his 7 armor pieces in a couple of days by listening on auctions.
    Overall, this needs to be balanced so both casual raiders and hard core solo should be rewarded by their time and/or skill, but not so much on their ability to buy loot rights.
    At the end, the pleasure to stuff your character with high end armors should be a strong and exiting motivation for all type of players.

    Additionally, it might be worth reminding that more hard core raiders don’t see any issue with 179 stats armor, since they are equiped with 200+ stats. At least, that’s my point of view.
    The main advantage with raid stuff are HP and crit chance barrier which are requirement for POW/Avats/DC raids. You can’t achieve this with 179 stats armor, therefore the need to grind High end raid stuff remains untouched.

  10. Some really good tidbits in here. However, War Runes… ermahgerd, a raid leader and player’s headache so easy to fix by just letting them drop with loot instead of in loot…

  11. If you all read the reports on the site here about how much pp is actually dropping, it’s pretty clear no one is going to be able to afford much of anything once savings are depleted — there’s just no cash flow now that the old zones are nerfed, and the new ones drop the equivalent of small change.

    It’s just sad.

  12. all the plat nerf did is make those that hoarded tons of plat GODS and to the casual or new guy we are but ants in the world of norrath.

    when I can’t even afford the fuel to make arrows to go kill stuff it’s time to quit.

  13. I’m curious about something Kander mentioned here. Unless I understood him wrong, they pull in raid guilds to test challenging raid content. But for heroic content, they mainly play test it themselves. Does this mean that any heroic content too difficult for the current dev team gets flagged as too hard and gets adjusted (pronounced: nerfed) down to a level that the dev team can clear?

  14. Hmm, plat.. Truth be told .. i no longer farm at all.. I buy a krono or two, sell it. rinse and repeat.. so in essence .. I buy plat now. Do i care? not really… I’d rather do other stuff, (I play ALOT less..)then rerun old zones. If you guys think.. the plat nerfs were from your feedback and not sony profit… lol.. /pats you on the back.. you’re prolly right.. no really..

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