88 thoughts on “The Chains of Eternity Collaborative Loot Project

  1. Wouldn’t it be possible to scan through item discoveries and when one occurs to take the current zone of that player and form a Loot table, some wouldn’t show with hidden profiles but its a possible work around solution?

    1. Wouldn’t it be possible to scan through item discoveries and when one occurs to take the current zone of that player and form a Loot table, some wouldn’t show with hidden profiles but its a possible work around solution?

      Current zone doesn’t update until you camp/zone, so I’m not sure it would be that accurate. Once we have Loot Tables, the data will be extremely accurate.

  2. Advenced solo is a lame way to gear and totaly frustrating… i got like 15 fabled and not a single one that i can actualy … use. I m SK and i got 3 items for bruiser/monk, 4 for scout, 4 for casters, and some for healer…

    They are rare, and… never for the current toon.

    1. Advenced solo is a lame way to gear and totaly frustrating… i got like 15 fabled and not a single one that i can actualy … use. I m SK and i got 3 items for bruiser/monk, 4 for scout, 4 for casters, and some for healer…

      They are rare, and… never for the current toon.

      They should be tradeable, as they were in the past. Advanced Solo will never replace Grouping, but it gives Solo players something to do after they have finished all the Solo quests.

  3. This would be amazing if it could be well populated. A massive help to especially those that do not get to play that much. Can run instances that have gear/upgrades that you really need 🙂

  4. Wurmbone End (Adv Sol) HM:

    [eq2u]Windseller’s Belt[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Self Repair Patch Kit[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Wurmbone Spear[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Research Time Reduction[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Moondancer’s Corona[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Dusklight Soulripper[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Twilight Soulsapper[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Piercing Eyering[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Martial Cazicite Claws[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Bone Breaker of Bones[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Scintillating Gem of Shaping[/eq2u]

    [eq2u]Builder’s Bonus[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Builder’s Dual Handed[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Wristlets of Enduring Horror[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Cleaver of the Dragonbutcher[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Staff of Deep Resonance[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Rib Piercer[/eq2u]

    [eq2u]Totem of Quickness[/eq2u]

  5. Also from HM (Adv. Solo) HM:

    [eq2u]Shrewd Ring of Conscription[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Builder’s Whetstone[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Windseller’s Sash[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Totem of Quickness[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Devourite Wristlets[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Research Time Reduction[/eq2u]

  6. Some of these items seem to be ‘standard population’ items that turn up in solo loot chests of any kind (i.e., the temp adornments and research reducers). Others seem to be on common trash drop tables for certain zones or sets of zones (Silent Scream of XXX in Throne of Fear–used to get a lot of them in the Planar Manifestation fight when it was farmable).

  7. Wurmbone’s End (Advanced Solo HM)

    [eq2u]Moondancer’s Sunshadow[/eq2u]

    Sleeper’s Tomb: The Forgotten Catacombs (Advanced Solo)

    [eq2u]Chiseled Ashlok Totem[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Tender Wristlet[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Scintillating Gem of Shaping[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Silent Scream of Horror[/eq2u]

  8. Wouldn’t it be easier to ask for folks to submit their logs? Don’t they show what mob/chest type/zone the item(s) are looted from? I would think that parsing this information would be far easier.

    1. Wouldn’t it be easier to ask for folks to submit their logs? Don’t they show what mob/chest type/zone the item(s) are looted from? I would think that parsing this information would be far easier.

      I wish I knew how far away Loot Table data was. If I knew it was 6 months away, I’d write a log parser app that submits logs to EQ2U. I haven’t used Visual Studio since Visual Basic 6. *insert old jokes here*

  9. Collection :

    Weapons of the rallosians :

    one of the 4 earrings like :
    \aITEM -1484302350 -1731623833 0 0 0:[Earpeg of the Rallosian]\/a
    [eq2u]Earpeg of the Rallosian[/eq2u]

    Collection are quickly annoying, NO-TRADE reward and always same reward… 4 earrings, 4 charms, 4 rings…. While we can only use 2 at best and can have better so it’s just something to destroy most of the time 🙁

    I wish they was heirloom, look like they no want we enjoy the reward the way we want…

    Often spend 80 plat for finish a collection and get a 3rd or 4th same reward (no trade) we already got is not something fun and nice that make a good day.

  10. Wurmbone’s End (Advanced Solo HM)

    [eq2u]Moondancer’s Penumbra[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Flickering Gem of Shaping[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Insightful Ring of Conscription[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Inscribed Draconic Faience[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Tender Wristlet[/eq2u]

    but i really think it’s just a box, the same box drop from ALL solo zone even HM one. So dont matter what zone you do, they ALL drop same thing, you can get scout glove from sleeper tomb or from boat or from HM. It’s just same box with LOT of random, sadness god of random. Too much random.

  11. Sleeper’s Tomb x4 Easy

    [eq2u]Primal Velium Bludgeoner[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Wand of Primal Velium Hues[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Spectral Belt of the Banshee Queen[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Primal Cuirass[/eq2u]

    *hope I did it correctly lol

  12. Currency of the Ancestors.
    Collection quest.
    Choice of one of the following items.

    [eq2u]Ebon Crystal Shard[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Faycetum Shard[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Phosphene Shard[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Radiant Crystal Shard[/eq2u]

    (Named after currency items from EQ1)

  13. Ok, I believe I have all the Advanced Solo items mentioned so far. According to comments above, all 7 zones share the same loot, with the difference being the number of chests awarded per person.

    I have also broken the article up into 5 pages for Adv Solo, Group, Raid, and Collections.


    I posted the collection you mentioned. Are those Sleeper’s Tomb x4 Easy drops zone-wide drops, or specific to a named?

  14. I did some searches with similar names and was able to find several more items. I think Advanced Solo is pretty good now.

    I’ve also got some candidates that I’m not certain about:
    [eq2u]Earthbender Wristlets[/eq2u], [eq2u]Wristlet of Gazing Fears[/eq2u], [eq2u]Wristlet of Phobic Tendencies[/eq2u], [eq2u]Wristlet of the Wandering Eye[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Wristlets of Crawling Horror[/eq2u], [eq2u]Wristlets of Creeping Horror[/eq2u], [eq2u]Wristlets of Enduring Horror[/eq2u], [eq2u]Wristlets of Sudden Horror[/eq2u]

  15. I know the [eq2u]Primal Cuirass[/eq2u] is a trash drop.

    [eq2u]Wand of Primal Velium Hues[/eq2u] dropped from one of the Eidolan’s at the end, sorry don’t remember which one, there are 4 pretty much the same dragons.

    [eq2u]Spectral Belt of the Banshee Queen[/eq2u] dropped from Mazarine The Queen

    [eq2u]Primal Velium Bludgeoner[/eq2u] was also from the Eidolans.

    Next time I am in there I will try to remember to check what the different dragons at the end drop. (I think they each drop a specific slot type of items).

    Also these drop from “Oligar of the Dead Challenge” from Harrows End x4

    [eq2u]Cloak of the Lasting Dead[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Signet of the Dead[/eq2u]

  16. I parsed my log files from 150ish advanced solo loots from Crate of Etheral Goodies…

    [eq2u]Advanced Adornments Volume 10[/eq2u] \aITEM -1269659942 -1192799089:Advanced Adornments Volume 10\/a
    [eq2u]Ancestral Essence of Ferocity[/eq2u] \aITEM 271072 1265495147:Ancestral Essence of Ferocity\/a
    [eq2u]Bloodshot Eyering[/eq2u] \aITEM -1324253507 738129884:Bloodshot Eyering\/a

    [eq2u]Blueprint: Advanced Adornment Dislodger[/eq2u] \aITEM 225633451 -1300652467:Blueprint: Advanced Adornment Dislodger\/a
    [eq2u]Builder’s Bonus[/eq2u] \aITEM 1876804791 953276562:Builder’s Bonus\/a
    [eq2u]Builder’s Concentration[/eq2u] \aITEM 1010677354 1099733351:Builder’s Concentration\/a
    [eq2u]Builder’s Dual Handed[/eq2u] \aITEM -1202930650 -1428608242:Builder’s Dual Handed\/a
    [eq2u]Builder’s Precision[/eq2u] \aITEM -2004518767 -901664289:Builder’s Precision\/a
    [eq2u]Builder’s Stamina[/eq2u] \aITEM 1744720007 -1539295635:Builder’s Stamina\/a
    [eq2u]Builder’s Swiftness[/eq2u] \aITEM -674518844 -1708561368:Builder’s Swiftness\/a
    [eq2u]Builder’s Whetstone[/eq2u] \aITEM 320614175 1615585335:Builder’s Whetstone\/a
    [eq2u]Carved Ashlok Totem[/eq2u] \aITEM 1152973591 1307151604:Carved Ashlok Totem\/a
    [eq2u]Cebonite Wristlet[/eq2u] \aITEM -59548625 -1361013881:Cebonite Wristlet\/a
    [eq2u]Chiseled Ashlok Totem[/eq2u] \aITEM -1429272133 -1099672878:Chiseled Ashlok Totem\/a
    [eq2u]Cleaver of the Dragonbutcher[/eq2u] \aITEM 1938447879 -1775755477 0 2 644540852:Cleaver of the Dragonbutcher\/a
    [eq2u]Deceitful Ring of Conscription[/eq2u] \aITEM 901677985 86840845:Deceitful Ring of Conscription\/a
    [eq2u]Decietful Ring of Conscription[/eq2u] \aITEM 901677985 -648867680:Decietful Ring of Conscription\/a

    [eq2u]Demonicus Steaks[/eq2u] \aITEM 474560366 -2117432175:Demonicus Steaks\/a
    [eq2u]Dragon’s Recall[/eq2u] \aITEM 412680209 380347625:Dragon’s Recall\/a
    [eq2u]Dragon’s Remembrance[/eq2u] \aITEM 822531728 -817562794:Dragon’s Remembrance\/a
    [eq2u]Dragon’s Retrospect[/eq2u] \aITEM 951321095 -1260993545:Dragon’s Retrospect\/a

    [eq2u]Ethereal Searing Totem[/eq2u] \aITEM -748743429 -798917685:Ethereal Searing Totem\/a
    [eq2u]Flickering Gem of Shaping[/eq2u] \aITEM -674636023 -1312980506:Flickering Gem of Shaping\/a
    [eq2u]Forceful Ring of Conscription[/eq2u] \aITEM -1981404313 -1359888340:Forceful Ring of Conscription\/a
    [eq2u]Gehein Soul-Touched Coif[/eq2u] \aITEM 374416303 -1512714520 0 4 1355841311:Gehein Soul-Touched Coif\/a
    [eq2u]Gehein Soul-Touched Greaves[/eq2u] \aITEM 1424952513 -1762978226 0 4 -1180454033:Gehein Soul-Touched Greaves\/a
    [eq2u]Gehein Soul-Touched Mantle[/eq2u] \aITEM -325400125 430182988 0 4 422870175:Gehein Soul-Touched Mantle\/a

    [eq2u]Greaspear of Deep Resonance[/eq2u] \aITEM -1460155794 1783940129 0 3 1575902522 4 873254641:Greaspear of Deep Resonance\/a
    [eq2u]Greatspear of Deep Resonance[/eq2u] \aITEM -1460155794 1780233843 0 3 -991490944 4 -1145919493:Greatspear of Deep Resonance\/a
    [eq2u]Imbued Ashlok Totem[/eq2u] \aITEM 586230332 312263429:Imbued Ashlok Totem\/a

    [eq2u]Imprint: Crude Consecrated Soul Trap[/eq2u] \aITEM 1372284018 1325432989:Imprint: Crude Consecrated Soul Trap\/a
    [eq2u]Imprint: Crude Fortified Soul Trap[/eq2u] \aITEM 1988281313 1654567789:Imprint: Crude Fortified Soul Trap\/a
    [eq2u]Imprint: Prime Sheen Soul Trap[/eq2u] \aITEM 128783133 569599646:Imprint: Prime Sheen Soul Trap\/a
    [eq2u]Imprint: Refined Fortified Soul Trap[/eq2u] \aITEM -1385745959 662479628:Imprint: Refined Fortified Soul Trap\/a
    [eq2u]Insightful Ring of Conscription[/eq2u] \aITEM 842042659 -1729663523:Insightful Ring of Conscription\/a
    [eq2u]Liberator of Ligaments[/eq2u] \aITEM 1045750419 -153417181 0 2 498579625:Liberator of Ligaments\/a
    [eq2u]Light Cazicite Shield[/eq2u] \aITEM -1714517022 851844431:Light Cazicite Shield\/a
    [eq2u]Moondancer’s Apogee[/eq2u] \aITEM 250645163 2115582232 0 3 1063842797:Moondancer’s Apogee\/a
    [eq2u]Moondancer’s Penumbra[/eq2u] \aITEM 532483493 1859292931 0 3 -837747044:Moondancer’s Penumbra\/a
    [eq2u]Moonlight Soulripper[/eq2u] \aITEM 1058929424 -64869299 0 2 857461366:Moonlight Soulripper\/a
    [eq2u]Piercing Eyering[/eq2u] \aITEM 1292086743 -2099478796:Piercing Eyering\/a
    [eq2u]Primal Hauberk[/eq2u] \aITEM 1417465063 494693341 0 4 -2066348257:Primal Hauberk\/a

    [eq2u]Research Time Reduction[/eq2u] \aITEM -908775742 313773732:Research Time Reduction\/a
    [eq2u]Rib Piercer[/eq2u] \aITEM 1583535763 1650529212 0 2 1390165582:Rib Piercer\/a
    [eq2u]Rivervale Mudslide[/eq2u] \aITEM -1457160155 -2139798478:Rivervale Mudslide\/a
    [eq2u]Runed Draconic Faience[/eq2u] \aITEM -1783782137 1282662596:Runed Draconic Faience\/a
    [eq2u]Samhain Fear-Touched Gloves[/eq2u] \aITEM 1011569685 632935190 0 4 -43618606:Samhain Fear-Touched Gloves\/a
    [eq2u]Samhain Fear-Touched Handguards[/eq2u] \aITEM 1973279805 1726711273 0 4 1569417088:Samhain Fear-Touched Handguards\/a
    [eq2u]Scaled Gem of Shaping[/eq2u] \aITEM 2109156759 -123968330:Scaled Gem of Shaping\/a
    [eq2u]Scepter of Deep Resonance[/eq2u] \aITEM 898964588 825423117 0 2 -1012483533:Scepter of Deep Resonance\/a
    [eq2u]Scintillating Gem of Shaping[/eq2u] \aITEM 798769264 -1357511352:Scintillating Gem of Shaping\/a

    [eq2u]Self Repair Patch Kit[/eq2u] \aITEM -1791861052 119664561:Self Repair Patch Kit\/a
    [eq2u]Shatterarrow[/eq2u] \aITEM 876677030 534344263 0 2 -1084211693:Shatterarrow\/a
    [eq2u]Shrewd Ring of Conscription[/eq2u] \aITEM -587340042 -436319228:Shrewd Ring of Conscription\/a
    [eq2u]Silent Scream of Hysteria[/eq2u] \aITEM 1321354088 801239383:Silent Scream of Hysteria\/a
    [eq2u]Silent Scream of Terror[/eq2u] \aITEM -277272696 -882877249:Silent Scream of Terror\/a
    [eq2u]Silent Scream of Torment[/eq2u] \aITEM -2136328755 1316800320:Silent Scream of Torment\/a
    [eq2u]Spinebow[/eq2u] \aITEM -2667012 -817227602 0 2 -1084211693:Spinebow\/a
    [eq2u]Stable Gem of Shaping[/eq2u] \aITEM -1682656657 804089541:Stable Gem of Shaping\/a
    [eq2u]Staff of Deep Resonance[/eq2u] \aITEM -559027204 -584647264 0 3 -1552301347 4 899159720:Staff of Deep Resonance\/a
    [eq2u]Sword of Deep Resonance[/eq2u] \aITEM -21951557 -317842723 0 2 644444073:Sword of Deep Resonance\/a

    [eq2u]Totem of Quickness[/eq2u] \aITEM -1382250269 1250347171:Totem of Quickness\/a
    [eq2u]Weighted Cazicite Shield[/eq2u] \aITEM 724936894 817591054 0 2 377360560:Weighted Cazicite Shield\/a
    [eq2u]Windseller’s Belt[/eq2u] \aITEM -821461289 -75188574 0 3 -1152354258:Windseller’s Belt\/a
    [eq2u]Windseller’s Sash[/eq2u] \aITEM -1370744471 -848069547 0 3 1860107220:Windseller’s Sash\/a
    [eq2u]Windseller’s Wrap[/eq2u] \aITEM -642517161 938024622 0 3 -1746639026:Windseller’s Wrap\/a
    [eq2u]Wristlets of Crawling Horror[/eq2u] \aITEM 1574362178 -162783362:Wristlets of Crawling Horror\/a
    [eq2u]Wristlets of Creeping Horror[/eq2u] \aITEM 680819622 1916424327:Wristlets of Creeping Horror\/a
    [eq2u]Wristlets of Enduring Horror[/eq2u] \aITEM -1427442767 -1788500852:Wristlets of Enduring Horror\/a
    [eq2u]Wristlets of Sudden Horror[/eq2u] \aITEM -263371049 -1581276125:Wristlets of Sudden Horror\/a
    [eq2u]Wurmbone Spear[/eq2u] \aITEM 1313728123 1302263001 0 3 857461366 4 -167208025:Wurmbone Spear\/a
    [eq2u]Wurmbone’s End[/eq2u] \aITEM -1535455377 290851769 0 2 377360560:Wurmbone’s End\/a

    [eq2u]crude astral material[/eq2u] \aITEM -1181710717 -2021094758:crude astral material\/a
    [eq2u]refined astral material[/eq2u] \aITEM -35690286 -664205472:refined astral material\/a

  17. Chelsith solo:
    [eq2u]Moondancer’s Corona[/eq2u] \aITEM 1018993712 -1718068376 0 0 0:Moondancer’s Corona\/a
    with [eq2u]Guardian Souls I[/eq2u] \aITEM 811203170 171160392 0 0 0:Guardian Souls I\/a

    Xbox from Dreadcutter last name:
    [eq2u]Winds of Rallos[/eq2u] \aITEM -260558271 1279317287 0 0 0:Winds of Rallos\/a
    with [eq2u]Reprisal I[/eq2u] \aITEM -991490944 -1449267524 0 0 0:Reprisal I\/a


  18. @Feldon thanks
    So I have tryed again to figure out how to post items, I guess if I cant I will just post the item name in here unless some one can help me I searched my logs found a few things here is a test one.So if it dont work please help.
    Frozen Fragment \aITEM -7945964 393700936:[Frozen Fragment]\/a

  19. @ Swagems

    Put the item’s name (what the item is called like “Frozen Fragment” not the item name with the \aITEM) And type (eq2u)Frozen Fragment(/eq2u) (but instead of the( ) use brackets [ ].

    Should look like [eq2u]Frozen Fragment[/eq2u]

  20. Weapons of the Rallosians

    [eq2u]Earpeg of the Rallosian[/eq2u] \aITEM -1484302350 -1731623833 0 0 0:[Earpeg of the Rallosian]\/a
    [eq2u]Stud of the Rallosian[/eq2u] \aITEM -512677305 -548779668 0 0 0:[Stud of the Rallosian]\/a
    [eq2u]Hoop of the Rallosian[/eq2u] \aITEM 259203316 1403669288 0 0 0:[Hoop of the Rallosian]\/a
    [eq2u]Earring of the Rallosian[/eq2u] \aITEM -838230275 -1477641159 0 0 0:[Earring of the Rallosian]\/a

  21. collection :

    Rings of the Conscript

    [eq2u]Bracelet of the Conscript[/eq2u]\aITEM 665258282 -1219365353 0 0 0:[Bracelet of the Conscript]\/a
    [eq2u]Cuff of the Conscript[/eq2u]\aITEM -625152622 1557136271 0 0 0:[Cuff of the Conscript]\/a
    [eq2u]Bracer of the Conscript[/eq2u]\aITEM 144372557 -739637826 0 0 0:[Bracer of the Conscript]\/a
    [eq2u]Wristguard of the Conscript[/eq2u]\aITEM -1080237369 -91585692 0 0 0:[Wristguard of the Conscript]\/a

    1. Harrow’s End x4 EM

      Caerina the Lost:
      [eq2u]Plated Bracelet of Scribbled Curses[/eq2u]
      [eq2u]Buckler of Borrowed Time[/eq2u] w/ [eq2u]Reification[/eq2u]

      Melanie Everling:
      [eq2u]Mace of Ill-Tidings[/eq2u] w/ [eq2u]Empyrean Cipher[/eq2u]
      [eq2u]Cinch of the Severed Pact[/eq2u] w/ [eq2u]Draft of Tourbillion[/eq2u]

      Construct of Souls:
      [eq2u]Chainlink Bracers of Harnessed Souls[/eq2u] w/ [eq2u]Rune: Intimidation II[/eq2u]
      [eq2u]Wristwraps of Harnessed Souls[/eq2u] w/ [eq2u]Rune: Efficiency II[/eq2u]
      [eq2u]Ring of Soul’s Scorn[/eq2u]

      [eq2u]Coif of the Soul Bastion[/eq2u] w/ [eq2u]Rune: Multi Attack II[/eq2u]
      [eq2u]Cap of the Soul Bastion[/eq2u] w/ [eq2u]Rune: Riposte Damage II[/eq2u]
      [eq2u]Longbow of Spiritual Flow[/eq2u] w/ [eq2u]Tenacity of War[/eq2u]

      [eq2u]Gehein Soul-Touched Hood[/eq2u]
      [eq2u]Gehein Soul-Touched Greaves[/eq2u]

  22. I’ve gotten armor pieces out of at least one of the advance solo instances, shoulders specifically and I think a friend got a bp. Not sure why they aren’t on the list. No I dont’ have the names at the moment.

  23. This is completely unrelated, but…. is anyone else not able to log into their server?? When I choose a character from the launcher to log in, it brings up the message of “Could not find world unrest” and then it gets stuck on “Trying login server #1”.

  24. collection :

    Hunters of the Jungle

    [eq2u]Shimmering Spark Earring[/eq2u]\aITEM 108178733 1322941105 0 0 0:[Shimmering Spark Earring]\/a
    [eq2u]Burning Flame Earring[/eq2u]\aITEM -1297634941 891357825 0 0 0:[Burning Flame Earring]\/a
    [eq2u]Soul Shard Earring[/eq2u]\aITEM 511132090 -978604115 0 0 0:[Soul Shard Earring]\/a
    [eq2u]Runed Leaf Earring[/eq2u]\aITEM 273065470 -744442644 0 0 0:[Runed Leaf Earring]\/a

  25. Dreadcutter (Heroic)


    [eq2u]A Rallosian Spiked Mace[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Ring of the Koada’Dal Sage[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Ring of the Gnome Inventor[/eq2u]

    Mugulg, the Quartermaster

    [eq2u]Quartermaster’s Watch[/eq2u]

    Chef Blarghrot

    [eq2u]Earrings of Sous Vide[/eq2u]

    Captain Goldjaw

    [eq2u]Water Falls Like Stone[/eq2u]

    Tempest of Zek

    [eq2u]Dreadcutter’s Stern[/eq2u]
    (came bundled with yellow adornment: “Illumination” – can’t get on to confirm, servers down)

    [eq2u]Mercenary: Captain Bloodstain[/eq2u] (Berserker Mercenary)

  26. Not sure if anybody has mentioned this, but the Primal and Fear-Touched armor, as well as possibly the Soul-Touched, drops from both solo instances and x4 trash. Primals drop in ST, Fear-Touched in ToA, and my guess would be Soul-Touched in Harrow’s, although I cannot personally confirm that.

    [eq2u]Primal Hauberk[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Primal Chainlink Boots[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Samhain Fear-Touched Chain Bracers[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Gehein Soul-Touched Coif[/eq2u]

  27. @Feldon:
    Are the loot tables likely to include full info about drop rates? Does group makeup impact drops (aka. Semi-smart loot)?

    Since both ACT and eq2u are so widely used, I smell a great opportunity for a partnership (as with Beetny in the past). If the core parsing engine could handle submissions (not just an optional add-in) that would be a LOT of data very quickly, even from people who may not share all of their characters on easy.
    Just a thought…

    1. @Feldon:
      Are the loot tables likely to include full info about drop rates?

      Based on how they were described to us at SOE Live, yes. We should be able to do a much higher level of granularity and inter-related connections between loot, mobs, zones, EM, HM, etc. than has ever been done before. Hmm, just what we need — even higher expectations. 😉

      Does group makeup impact drops (aka. Semi-smart loot)?

      I don’t think we’ve had smart loot since like Sentinel’s Fate.

      Since both ACT and eq2u are so widely used, I smell a great opportunity for a partnership (as with Beetny in the past). If the core parsing engine could handle submissions (not just an optional add-in) that would be a LOT of data very quickly, even from people who may not share all of their characters on easy.

      If there was no chance of loot tables, then months ago we would have probably written a plugin or partnered up with someone.

  28. for advenced solo there is no smart loot at all (more than 15 fabled (just for me and no one for my class) while my partner got more than me.

    And for group… same.
    Got a dozen of drop not for us, and still not a signle one than we can use. Beside random token (3 time the earring token, 2 mercenary, 2 master not for group members, and 2 fabled again not for class in the group)

    Do advenced solo i m SK i get scout gear (5 ! and 3 scout gloves!!!)… while i duo with a ranger she get all tank plat gear (3 to 5) it’s really not that great when i loot her glove and she loot my boot…

    look like a very bad joke. And this joke repeat every day. i have 3 scout glove and she still wait to get one, while i have still nothing for myself. Done hundreds of advenced solo for junk.

    PS : Healer/Caster gear are always adorned with +Hate +block… while the tank piece have – Hate… So the bad joke is complete.

    wtb semi-smart loot.

    All my alt have better gear than my main 🙁

  29. Thanks for the fixed links Feldon
    And yeah,smart loot went out the window some time ago.I’ve gotten fabled boots for druid,monk,and thankfully brig.All with my sk,but at least I have a brig..1/3 were useful.

  30. as Shadowknight (!!!) from advanced solo :

    [eq2u]Gehein Soul-Touched Waders[/eq2u] – [eq2u]Rune: Health II[/eq2u]

    3x [eq2u]Samhain Fear-Touched Plate Gauntlets[/eq2u] – [eq2u]Rune: Critical Chance II[/eq2u]

    2x [eq2u]Gehein Soul-Touched Breeches[/eq2u] – [eq2u]Rune: Reuse Speed II[/eq2u]
    2x [eq2u]Samhain Fear-Touched Gloves[/eq2u][eq2u]Rune: Effectiveness II[/eq2u]

    [eq2u]Gehein Soul-Touched Coif[/eq2u]
    3x [eq2u]Samhain Fear-Touched Chain Handguards[/eq2u] – [eq2u]Rune: Riposte II[/eq2u] – [eq2u]Rune: Destruction II[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Gehein Soul-Touched Legguards[/eq2u] – [eq2u]Rune: Sweeping Swings II[/eq2u]

    [eq2u]Samhain Fear-Touched Wristwraps[/eq2u] – [eq2u]Rune: Resilience II[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Primal Footwraps[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Gehein Soul-Touched Armwraps[/eq2u]

    Nice mutting stuff, i wish i dont do all this work for just adornment 🙁

    too much random for solo stuff even if it’s nice and must be rare (as it is… hundreds of run for this.

  31. Jolemai wrote:

    Just a fyi, the code being used for the links is visible on mobile view.

    I noticed that on Friday. I suspect the mobile view isn’t including the same javascript files as the normal view. Not sure if Feldon can do anything about that or not. Pretty sure you can’t leave comments with the mobile view either.

  32. This is from Fitzpizzle(sp?) in Harrow’s End x4. I don’t think there is a HM to him. I dsco’ed this on the Crushbone Server last week:
    [eq2u]Shield of the Ancient Warder[/eq2u] with [eq2u]Torrent of Pestilence[/eq2u]

  33. Ok, I think the Advanced Solo gear was a slam dunk and there may be 1-2 pieces missing but otherwise that’s quite a list of gear.

    Now to focus attention on Group and Raid gear as well as more Collections.

  34. oops I forgot to add that the [eq2u]Primal Velium Bludgeoner[/eq2u] came adorned with these two red adornments

    [eq2u]Ethernean Will[/eq2u]

    also remembered that this helm came from Bastion in Harrows End x4 easy mode
    [eq2u]Plate Helm of the Soul Bastion[/eq2u]
    adorned with [eq2u]Rune: Critical Chance II[/eq2u]

    1. Ragefighter posted:
      [eq2u]Wand of Primal Velium Hues[/eq2u] dropped from one of the Eidolan’s at the end, sorry don’t remember which one, there are 4 pretty much the same dragons.

      [eq2u]Spectral Belt of the Banshee Queen[/eq2u] dropped from Mazarine The Queen

      [eq2u]Primal Velium Bludgeoner[/eq2u] was also from the Eidolans.

      Ragefighter posted:
      oops I forgot to add that the [eq2u]Primal Velium Bludgeoner[/eq2u] came adorned with these two red adornments

      [eq2u]Ethernean Will[/eq2u]

      I at least need to know the name of the zone.

  35. Temple of the Faceless: Altar of Abhorrence(x4)

    Trash/zonewide drops
    [eq2u]Samhain Fear-Touched Wristwraps[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Samhain Fear-Touched Wristguards[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Samhain Fear-Touched Handguards[/eq2u]
    Probably all “Samhain Fear-Touched” items.

    The Fear Fester (Named)
    [eq2u]Famine[/eq2u] makes a set with [eq2u]Feast[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Rack[/eq2u] makes a set with [eq2u]Ruin[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Scepter of Fear[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Burden of the Brood Mother[/eq2u]

    Pharinich the Forelorn (Named)
    [eq2u]Chainlinked Boots of the Forlorn[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Boots of the Forlorn[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Engraved Signet of the Forlorn[/eq2u]
    Items seem to share “-of the Forlorn”

    Sarinich the Wretched (Named)
    [eq2u]Bracelet of the Wretched[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Threaded Wrap of the Wretched[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Wristbrace of the Wretched[/eq2u]
    Items seem to share “-of the Wretched”

  36. Thanks to Feldon and DD for setting this up, and for others for contributing data. I look forward to loot tables whenever they come out, but this is certainly a great start. Quick question, is there a way to view set bonuses on items? I can always paste them in game, but haven’t been able to see them online unless I find old images/zam data.

  37. Dreadcutter (heroic)
    \aITEM -642517161 938024622 0 0 0 3 -1503550889:Windseller’s Wrap\/a
    \aITEM 1212795220 1937669444 0 3 1784803745:Windseller’s Girdle\/a
    \aITEM -1370744471 -848069547 0 3 -185387637:Windseller’s Sash\/a
    \aITEM -821461289 -75188574 0 3 1845126193:Windseller’s Belt\/a
    \aITEM 901677985 -648867680:Decietful Ring of Conscription\/a
    \aITEM -587340042 -436319228:Shrewd Ring of Conscription\/a
    \aITEM -1981404313 -1359888340:Forceful Ring of Conscription\/a

    Mugulg, the Quartermaster
    \aITEM -1343887238 -587132139:Quartermaster’s Pen\/a
    \aITEM 1750575587 1259215151:Quartermaster’s Log\/a
    \aITEM 1746093260 1319230019:Quartermaster’s Key\/a
    \aITEM -869017069 -1841183196:Quartermaster’s Watch\/a

    Chef Blarghrot
    \aITEM 2046417976 1384706530:Earrings of Ceviche\/a
    \aITEM -1448645595 706093869:Earrings of Hot Smoke\/a
    \aITEM -867286690 849546158:Earrings of Sous Vide\/a

    Captain Goldjaw
    \aITEM 1038283423 79807182 0 2 1862151616:Fires of Rallos\/a
    \aITEM 1038283423 79807182 0 2 1099098828:Fires of Rallos\/a
    \aITEM 1038283423 79807182 0 2 70312684:Fires of Rallos\/a
    \aITEM -399511727 511303692 0 0 0 2 -1104159831:Water’s Revenge\/a
    \aITEM -1060641820 1041681907 0 0 0 2 -1746064939:Seven Sails\/a
    \aITEM 2074701964 1543883245 0 2 935737960:Goldjaw’s Berth\/a
    \aITEM 1105218153 -1307948443 0 2 70312684:Fire and Water\/a
    \aITEM 1476551309 1813568534 0 2 1862151616:Stowaway\/a

    The Tempest of Zek
    \aITEM -1807894963 154013058 0 2 1390165582:Dreadcutter’s Stern\/a
    \aITEM -1807894963 154013058 0 2 644540852:Dreadcutter’s Stern\/a
    \aITEM -1102893301 -1636828913 0 0 0 2 -1881197067:Dreadcutter’s Aft\/a
    \aITEM -1102893301 -1636828913 0 2 1664476353:Dreadcutter’s Aft\/a
    \aITEM -1901872884 83650107 0 2 857461366:Dreadcutter’s Prow\/a
    \aITEM -1901872884 83650107 0 2 1575902522:Dreadcutter’s Prow\/a
    \aITEM -273401727 1986489278:Dreadcutter’s Port\/a
    \aITEM 932078718 1563087550:Storm Oculus\/a
    \aITEM -1820178609 -1689916137:Blueprint: Wormhole Generator (Withered Lands)\/a

    Temple of the Faceless (heroic)
    \aITEM 326828867 1968387746:Smouldering Eyering\/a
    \aITEM 1292086743 -2099478796:Piercing Eyering\/a
    \aITEM -1324253507 738129884:Bloodshot Eyering\/a
    \aITEM 1695012117 202522130:Unblinking Eyering\/a
    \aITEM 1574362178 -162783362:Wristlets of Crawling Horror\/a
    \aITEM -1427442767 -1788500852:Wristlets of Enduring Horror\/a
    \aITEM -263371049 -1581276125:Wristlets of Sudden Horror\/a
    \aITEM 680819622 1916424327:Wristlets of Creeping Horror\/a

    \aITEM -1352419912 -1456664313 0 0 0 2 -1231154924:Venekor’s Leggings of Punishment\/a
    \aITEM -1352419912 -1456664313 0 2 -180486745:Venekor’s Leggings of Punishment\/a
    \aITEM -503687106 76339277 0 0 0 2 -399555825:Lizardskin Chaps of the Cursed\/a
    \aITEM -503687106 76339277 0 2 -2065985403:Lizardskin Chaps of the Cursed\/a
    \aITEM -503687106 76339277 0 2 -1231154924:Lizardskin Chaps of the Cursed\/a
    \aITEM -1260423897 1099024948 0 2 -2065985403:Venekor’s Spirited Chain Legguards\/a
    \aITEM 705577259 -1715296602 0 2 -579016599:Venekor’s Leggings of Spiritcalling\/a
    \aITEM 1555505605 -410752956 0 2 1862151616:Scalemail Greaves of the Cursed\/a

    \aITEM 1999659618 -1646317496 0 0 0 2 -2065985403:Baroddas’ Spirited Chain Boots\/a
    \aITEM 1821156093 -983421767 0 0 0 2 -1231154924:Baroddas’ Boots of Retribution\/a
    \aITEM 1821156093 -983421767 0 2 -399555825:Baroddas’ Boots of Retribution\/a
    \aITEM 571821947 -363669395 0 2 873037692:Lizardskin Sandals of the Warmaster\/a
    \aITEM -371108242 837021804 0 2 -399555825:Baroddas’ Boots of Spiritcalling\/a
    \aITEM -1215034756 1606242574 0 2 873037692:Shiverback Chainlinked Boots\/a
    \aITEM -1621608832 -832603378 0 2 -180486745:Sabatons of the Shiverback King\/a
    \aITEM -1970600888 783764284 0 2 1634759688:Baroddas Sabatons of Chaos\/a

    \aITEM -2143851725 -733795770 0 0 0 2 -1012483533:Blessed Focus of Dread\/a
    \aITEM 1372284018 1325432989:Imprint: Crude Consecrated Soul Trap\/a
    \aITEM -1580661355 -430908869 0 0 0 2 -1145919493:Harnessed Fear Focus\/a
    \aITEM -1580661355 -430908869 0 2 377360560:Harnessed Fear Focus\/a
    \aITEM 1128787652 1788742627:Frightling’s Pouch of Horrors\/a
    \aITEM -277926825 2000151430 0 2 377360560:Bow of the Fearful\/a
    \aITEM -277926825 2000151430 0 2 -1084211693:Bow of the Fearful\/a
    \aITEM -53141803 -1201015372:Greater Spirit\/a

    \aITEM 1391341334 1551061972 0 0 0 2 -795546126:Platemail Gauntlets of the Warmaster\/a
    \aITEM 1391341334 1551061972 0 2 873037692:Platemail Gauntlets of the Warmaster\/a
    \aITEM 469943318 -1374252705 0 0 0 2 -1104159831:Warmaster’s Spirited Chain Gauntlets\/a
    \aITEM 2017217019 1817765996 0 2 1862151616:Lizardskin Gloves of the Warmaster\/a
    \aITEM 2091513347 1489320573 0 2 -795546126:Warmaster’s Gloves of Retribution\/a
    \aITEM 355096841 1788988112 0 2 629990919:Warmaster’s Gloves of Spiritcalling\/a
    \aITEM 355096841 1788988112 0 2 873037692:Warmaster’s Gloves of Spiritcalling\/a
    \aITEM -422748899 -1161633153 0 2 -2065985403:Warmaster’s Chainlinked Gauntlets\/a
    \aITEM -2080877009 -1855653429 0 2 -1104159831:Venekor’s Spirited Chain Bracers\/a
    \aITEM 292693061 69959537:Orb of Crippling Fear\/a
    \aITEM 2102206039 1752283890:Essence of Venekor\/a
    \aITEM 1465552534 -99568636:Mercenary: Kilphin\/a

    Throne of Fear (heroic)
    \aITEM -1714517022 851844431:Light Cazicite Shield\/a
    \aITEM 724936894 817591054 0 2 1011652584:Weighted Cazicite Shield\/a
    \aITEM -792752732 -1468701476 0 0 0 2 -167208025:Ritualistic Cazicite Shield\/a
    \aITEM -1657086511 -1392357778 0 0 0 2 899159720:Cazicite Ritual Totem\/a
    \aITEM 1321354088 801239383:Silent Scream of Hysteria\/a
    \aITEM -2136328755 1316800320:Silent Scream of Torment\/a
    \aITEM -277272696 -882877249:Silent Scream of Terror\/a

    \aITEM -1302329957 881211440:Fingerbone Ring of Culling\/a
    \aITEM 1850778409 170414786:Ivory Sculpted Fingbone Ring\/a
    \aITEM 2072303644 957869040:Fearful Fingerbone Ring\/a

    A Planar Manifestation
    \aITEM 263110040 -1998933970:Martial Cazicite Staff\/a
    \aITEM -1579242359 565921004 0 2 -1881197067:Cazicite Ritual Dagger\/a
    \aITEM -1777939429 311904973 0 2 857461366:Weighted Cazicite Mace\/a

    The Enraged Imp
    \aITEM 1156901509 759624498 0 0 0 2 935737960:Warpriest Vambraces of Chaos\/a
    \aITEM 1156901509 759624498 0 2 638890530:Warpriest Vambraces of Chaos\/a
    \aITEM -319692737 150262848 0 2 -495579834:Warmaster’s Chainlinked Vambraces\/a
    \aITEM 1265562826 -170822300 0 2 1634759688:Warmaster’s Vambraces of Spiritcalling\/a
    \aITEM -1177420802 471902048 0 2 -1746064939:Warmaster’s Spirited Chain Vambraces\/a

    The Thoughtbleeder
    \aITEM 1215292807 -1913461871:Wristlet of the Wandering Eye\/a
    \aITEM -1600985868 1036162862:Wristlet of Impending Fear\/a
    \aITEM -955797999 1839792242:Wristlet of Phobic Tendencies\/a
    \aITEM 1178180058 -1229913001:Wristlet of Gazing Fears\/a

    Baelon of Thule
    \aITEM 1874704927 1897588574 0 0 0 2 -1231154924:Warmaster’s Chainlinked Chestguard\/a
    \aITEM 1148068073 1247810533 0 2 -579016599:Warmaster’s Spirited Chain Chestguard\/a
    \aITEM -1624747431 -650417125 0 2 -180486745:Warpriest Breastplate of Chaos\/a
    \aITEM -1624747431 -650417125 0 2 629990919:Warpriest Breastplate of Chaos\/a
    \aITEM 1267959278 297854263 0 2 873037692:Warmaster’s Spirited Chain Helm\/a
    \aITEM -1493472546 122477101:Imprint: Prime Arcanic Soul Trap\/a

    Chelsith: The Ancient Vault (heroic)
    Murmaz the Believer
    \aITEM -1701886598 1575649199 0 3 -185387637:Fervor of the Believer\/a

    1. Ok I may drop the Yellow/Red Adorns from items. I did not realize that it was random or varied which adornments came attached to different items and do not want to clutter up these lists with multiples of each adornment.

  38. Sleeper’s Tomb: Unearthed (x4)

    Gloust M’ra (Named)
    [eq2u]Souvenir Talon Trinket[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Primal Velium Studs[/eq2u]

    Silis On’Va
    [eq2u]Primal Velium Wizard’s Dagger[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Molten Hide Bracelet[/eq2u]

    Sorn Dontro
    [eq2u]Miniature Primal Velium Dagger Earring[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Crested Ring of Discernment[/eq2u]

    Trash drop
    [eq2u]Primal Breastplate[/eq2u]

    Temple of the Faceless: Altar of Abhorrence(x4)

    Baroddas Easy mode
    [eq2u]Bauble of the Great Ape[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Armwraps of the Shiverback King[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Chainlinked Vambraces of the Shiverback King[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Trophy:Head of Baroddas[/eq2u]

    ERROR from my last post
    Temple of the Faceless: Altar of Abhorrence(x4)

    Pharinich the Forelorn (Named)
    “Boots of the Forlorn” is a typo actual item is [eq2u]Boots of the Forelorn[/eq2u]

    Sarinich the Wretched (Named)
    “Bracelet of the Wretched” is actually also a lvl 30 wrist apparently, same name though so it shows up as the lvl 30 item when viewed on the site.

  39. Collection :

    Marks of the Reaper

    [eq2u]Girdle of the Reaper[/eq2u]\aITEM 1645577800 957860271 0 0 0:[Girdle of the Reaper]\/a
    [eq2u]Cord of the Reaper[/eq2u]\aITEM -1658285678 1724500229 0 0 0:[Cord of the Reaper]\/a
    [eq2u]Sash of the Reaper[/eq2u]\aITEM -1847109940 -489466370 0 0 0:[Sash of the Reaper]\/a
    [eq2u]Belt of the Reaper[/eq2u]\aITEM -1466146630 963704775 0 0 0:[Belt of the Reaper]\/a

  40. Collection :

    Banners of Remembrance

    [eq2u]Mortal Champion’s Scroll Case[/eq2u]\aITEM 1148593156 60138969 0 0 0:[Mortal Champion’s Scroll Case]\/a

    [eq2u]Flame of the Faceless[/eq2u]\aITEM 1506689211 1051699665 0 0 0:[Flame of the Faceless]\/a
    [eq2u]Flame of the Rallosian[/eq2u]\aITEM -1927479647 538711822 0 0 0:[Flame of the Rallosian]\/a
    [eq2u]Flame of the Silver Reaper[/eq2u]\aITEM -978710360 -1015379851 0 0 0:[Flame of the Silver Reaper]\/a
    [eq2u]Monolith of the Silver Reaper[/eq2u]\aITEM -580533131 1051706130 0 0 0:[Monolith of the Silver Reaper]\/a
    [eq2u]Rug of the Wayward Soul[/eq2u]\aITEM -1095792578 -129907060 0 0 0:[Rug of the Wayward Soul]\/a
    [eq2u]Spire of the Ethernere[/eq2u]\aITEM 873856852 -1726671109 0 0 0:[Spire of the Ethernere]\/a
    [eq2u]Symbol of the Faceless[/eq2u]\aITEM -1825329381 -1087769641 0 0 0:[Symbol of the Faceless]\/a

  41. Sleeper’s Tomb (Contested)

    Bittles the Lost
    [eq2u]Hatred of the Fallen [/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Rebirth of the Lost [/eq2u]

    Illustor Prime
    [eq2u]Ward of the Prime [/eq2u]

    Humardrim the Mad
    [eq2u]Gentle Calm of Madness [/eq2u]

    the Warren Protector
    [eq2u]Bygone Shard of the Warden [/eq2u]

    Jeerer Mock
    [eq2u]Bloodaugur Leggings [/eq2u]

    Quadril Varm
    [eq2u]Overseer’s Pronouncement [/eq2u]

    [eq2u]Dragon’s Remembrance [/eq2u] an ancient sentinel

  42. I’m not sure if fabled loot still drops in advanced solo. Either I’m on bad luck or they have at least drastically changed the drop rate, but haven’t found any fabled during last week.

  43. For the one that was complaining about being SK and not having loot drop for your class, I got the BP and Boots to drop while on my SK. I don’t mind having something to do with the oppurtunity to gear up so I can actually be useful in a group. 🙂

  44. Sleeper’s Tomb: Unearthed (raidx4)

    Eidolon of Nanzata (The Great Red Dragon) drops:

    [eq2u]Wand of Primal Velium[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Wand of Primal Velium Hues[/eq2u]

    At least that’s what we got for loot drop on Nanzata last night on our raid.

  45. Harrow’s End: Baleful Dominion (heroic)
    [eq2u]Midnight Soulsapper[/eq2u] w/ [eq2u]Bastion I[/eq2u] — trash
    [eq2u]Soulful Leather Cuffs of the Lost[/eq2u] w/ [eq2u]Rune: Lesser Reuse Speed II[/eq2u] — Caerina the Lost
    [eq2u]Everling Belt of Bound Souls[/eq2u] w/ [eq2u]Dynamist I[/eq2u] — Melanie Everling
    [eq2u]Ethereal Staff of Trapped Souls[/eq2u] — Construct of Souls
    [eq2u]Soulful Ring of the Bastion[/eq2u] — Bastion
    [eq2u]Wandering Soul Barbute of the Crazed[/eq2u] w/ [eq2u]Rune: Lesser Multi Attack II[/eq2u] — Fitzpitzle
    [eq2u]Ethereal Brace of the Dead[/eq2u] — Oligar of the Dead
    [eq2u]Baleful Chestwrap of the Watcher[/eq2u] w/ [eq2u]Rune: Lesser Hate Gain II[/eq2u] — Drinal

  46. I made a nice post with full EQ2U links and forgot to put in an email and lost the link *sigh*. Attempt 2!

    Altar of Abhorrence
    Fear Feaster:
    [eq2u]Scepter of Fear[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Mace of Foreboding Fears[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Fear Feaster Fang Dagger[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Staff of Fear Feasting[/eq2u]

    [eq2u]Belt of the Wretched[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Bracelet of the Wretched[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Deflector of the Wretched[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Fear Wrap of the Wretched[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Threaded Wrap of the Wretched[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Wrap of the Wretched[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Wristbrace of the Wretched[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Wristlet of the Wretched[/eq2u]

    [eq2u]Boots of the Forlorn[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Chainlinked Boots of the Forlorn[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Crested Ring of the Forlorn[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Engraved Signet of the Forlorn[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Footwraps of the Forlorn[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Linked Boots of the Forlorn[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Ring of the Forlorn[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Sabatons of the Forlorn[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Sandals of the Forlorn[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Signet of the Forlorn[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Tonlets of the Forlorn[/eq2u]

    The Enraged Imp:
    [eq2u]Frightening Sword of the Imp[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Impish Choker of Abhorrence[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Impish Neckguard of Abhorrence[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Impish Necklace of Abhorrence[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Impish Torque of Abhorrence[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Martial Staff of Impish Assault[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Cazicite Greathammer of Fright[/eq2u]
    [eq2u]Spiked Staff of Masked Fright[/eq2u]

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